![]() How many of us were taught that we have to protect ourselves from negative energy? When I learned my first energetic modalities that's what I was taught too. Surround yourself with white light, carry cleansing/clearing chrystals, avoid negative situations, put up energetic barriers, do cord cuttings, meditate for hours etc. Except did it ever REALLY work? ...For me minimally at best. What I have to offer here may fly in the face of everything you've ever learned about energy. You may love it and you may hate it... Choose it if it works for you. And whatever you do, don't take my word for it... Actually try it for yourself! For me these tools and concepts have worked brilliantly...although admittedly they are different. Whether you have deemed yourself a healer or not, doesn't matter. Anyone can use them. Anywhere. Anytime. I rarely find myself ensnared by energies of other people and if I do, I have these tools to very quickly get free of it. I get to have an ease with me, an ease with my clients, and ease with everyone I come into contact with. Wanna try it? Even if it makes your life way too easy and fun?! OK Here we go! Concept #1 There is no positive and negative energy. Energy is just energy. The concept of positive and negative energy comes from the judgments placed on the energy itself... When you decide an energy is "bad" or "good", "positive" or "negative" that is a judgment. Judgment will always lock you and your body up. The negative side of judgment is "resistance and reaction" the positive side is "alignment and agreement"...either way you are stuck in a polarity and can't receive anything beyond these judgments. When you are in resistance to something, it's an aspect of alignment and agreement. It's where you've been there, done that, (maybe this lifetime or maybe in another) and now you've decided it's wrong. Still you are holding the energy on it and notice how contracted it makes you feel? Here's the interesting thing. Where ever you "resist and react" or "align and agree" with someone you also help hold the other person in their judgment. When you are in allowance it opens up a space and invitation to choose something else. Concept #2 Being in Allowance: Allowance is were everything is just an "interesting point of view". It's were you come out of judgment of you or anyone else. It's where you have no energetic charge and no reaction. You are neutral. No energy can stick/lock you or your body up when you are in allowance of it. You are totally aware of it, and it can just move through or past you. Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. Allowance is a very peaceful place. You do not have to fix or change anything. You do not have to become someone you're not, in order to make someone else feel more comfortable or to fit in. You can allow the other person to be and choose whatever they want. It doesn't mean you become a doormat, of course. If someone were being unkind to you. You can tell them to go away, and still be in allowance of their choice. For example: "If you are going to be nasty that's fine, but you'll have to go do it somewhere else." Concept#3 No Significance: Energy is very malleable. It changes at your request. You make it solid, real, and sticky by making it significant.... It's how you hold an energy in place. When you see that someone is depressed and instead of thinking "Hmm, they're choosing sadness. What an interesting choice." Instead you make it significant. "Oh poor thing! That's terrible!" Add more judgement to that. "They should be happy" and start trying to make it so... Add some story and computation to that "They are this way because (blah, blah, blah) ...Oy! Do you see how this could create even more stickiness? ........It's just a choice. When you realize it's just a choice and they can change it, if they choose to, when they choose to, you now empower them. The choice is their creation. They are not a victim of it... and neither are you! You can be an invitation to a different possibility just by not making anything significant. Be with the energy of that, and notice how it makes your body feel. A little lighter perhaps? Concept #4 Who does this belong to?: This is one of my favorite "go to" tools. It's one of the quickest, easiest ways to shift an energy. 98% of your thoughts, feelings, emotions and body sensations do not belong to you. You are a psychic sponge. The problem is, if you don't acknowledge that you can be aware of everything around you, then you tend to think it is you and take it all on and lock it into your body. (Cute, not bright.) So here's how it works: Ask "Who does this belong to?" (This will be pointless if you decide you know the answer, before you even ask. You must truly ask the question) ...You are not looking for answer just an awareness of energy. Does it get lighter? If it does, it's not yours and you simply "return to sender with consciousness attached." If it get's heavier, well then it's yours or something you bought into. But no worries, you don't have to be stuck with it either. There's this thing called the Access Consciousness clearing statement you can use to shift anything you've stuck yourself with. (Go to the "Free Stuff" section on my website www.infinite-alchemy.com or www.theclearingstatement.com to watch the video on that. ) Concept #5 Drop Your Barriers: I know. It's the exact opposite of what is instinctual. Here's the thing, when you put up the castle walls around you, no one can get in, but you can't get out either. It's how we create separation and how we shut off awareness. When you are willing to let the barriers drop and be vulnerable it can be uncomfortable at first. The uncomfortableness is where you are not yet in allowance of everything you are now aware of. It takes some practice. I do a lot of "who does this belong to?" and a lot of clearing stuff with clearing statement. Again when you are in total allowance you have no reaction and it doesn't make you or your body contract. We tend to unconsciously react to other peoples' barriers. We sense them, and automatically ours come up too. I teach yoga, and I have made this a practice. Every time I walk into a yoga room to teach a class, I push down my barriers and expand my energy out. If it's uncomfortable, I'll ask how far out do I have to go to not be at the effect of this energy? ...And instantly I'm there. This allows for me to be aware of what's going on for people but not get knocked around by their points of view. What seems to happen then, is everyone begins to drop their barriers too. They come out of the seriousness, fear, significance and judgement and just begin to enjoy their practice instead of judging it! Being a different energy creates a space and invitation to a different possibility. Concept #6 Always be in question: We are not taught to be in question. We are taught to have answers and get things "right". Questions have always opened the doors to more possibility. Conclusion, decision, judgement and computation create limitations and hold what you have decided is true in place.... What if there was much more available to you than you ever imagined? Would you be willing to invite it in? Here's some questions to play with: -What is this energy? What can I do with it? Can I change it? How do I change it? -How does it get any better than this? (A very versatile question...You can ask this with something you've decided you is great and something you've decided is not so great. It will always open up new doors!) -What else is possible here that I haven't acknowledged? -What's right about this that I'm not getting? -What do I love about creating this exactly as it is? -What other question can I ask that would open up more awareness and more possibility? Have fun friends! ( :-) it's just a choice!) With gratitude, Julie Merwin Would you like to learn more about these tools? Come to a class or get a private session with me. Look me up on the Access Consciousness website at: www.accessconsciousness.com Or go to my personal website: www.infinite-alchemy.com
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What is Access Consciousness?
Life-changing techniques, tools and processes that are designed to empower you to create the life you desire. They're very practical, dynamic, and pragmatic tools that facilitate you in being more conscious in every day life, and allow you to eliminate all the barriers you have put up to receiving. Receiving more is literally like taking off your blindfold. You may be able to receive more of the yummy, amazing, beautiful things in the world and the people around you, and in yourself. You may receive more awareness about things that you were trying really hard not to see as well... and really how well does that work to walk around blind to these things? At least if you have your eyes open, you may not like what you see, but you won't have to run head long into them wondering what the hell just happened, right? For anything to not be working in your life... when it's not easy, light, and/or fun... you have to be choosing some form of unconsciousness. That's what these tools give you is the capacity to be more aware and to unblock any limitations you have that don't allow you to choose and create the life you'd truly enjoy. What is Access Bars? The bars body process is one of the basics.... Your bars are energy bars that run through and around your head. They hold the electromagnetic component of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, decisions, judgements, conclusions, etc. that you have ever had for lifetimes. When you get your bars "run" someone holds points on your head that connect to the bars and allow for this energy to dissipate. **The easiest way to explain it to someone is that it's like running disc clean up on your computer except that you run it on you, your body and your life. It clears out the old programming and allows for you to function more effectively and efficiently. Life just gets a lot easier and more enjoyable. In a bars class you learn: -how to run this process, you will gift and receive bars twice each. -You will receive a manual. -You learn a lot of the other simple Access tools that you can use anywhere, anytime. What can you get out of having this process run for you? For me personally... I was able to get past some really heavy depression. I'm talking the kind of depression where you can barely get yourself off the couch to feed yourself! I got over a lot of the judgment I had on myself and my body. Many of the fears and limiting beliefs that I had been functioning from are completely gone... POOF! My money situation has changed and continues to. I have been able to expand my capacities as a yoga teacher and practitioner, and I have SO much more allowance and receiving for everything and everyone around me. Life is so much easier and more fun and continues to expand ...just for starters. What did other people get out of it? -sleep better -not be at the effect of the energies, people, and situations around you -Changed chronic body issues quickly and easily -Changed their money situation -Changed their relationship situation -Better sex... Yep you heard me right. -eliminated PTSD, OSCD, ADD, ADHD and more... Got a couple minutes? Check out Rick Williams and Dr. Dain Heer talking about Access on Great Day Houston: http://www.khou.com/great-day/gdh_11-13-13_seg2-231758251.html |
by Julie MerwinFounder and Creator of Infinite Alchemy, Personal Empowerment Coach, Change Agent, Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, and Body Process Facilitator Archives
November 2018