I almost didn’t ask this question because of an expectation.... expectation is like the low calorie version of judgment. "Judgment light" if you will, and judgment none the less. And I almost let it stop me! ... A great example of how judgment creates limitation. I have a new tool I have been playing with to get myself out of my own comfort zone and opening up to greater receiving. It’s a couple of things actually…. Ask for something you think you’ll get a “no” on… This one was suggested by a facilitator at a recent Access Right Voice for You class (A class that is as much about using your voice, as it is about how you show up in the world.) As a practice of receiving judgment (Receiving judgment meaning: aware of it, but not effected by it.) and as a demonstration of how if we often pre-decide the answer is "no" before even asking a question, and how we then shut off everything we could receive. The people who tried it at the class came back with interesting stories: One went up to someone who was listening to music on the street, and asked if they could listen in with them. Surprisingly, they got a yes and it opened up a whole new connection, dancing in the street, and learning about new music. Another person went up to someone eating at a restaurant and asked if they could nab a few fries off their plate, just for a taste! Again permission granted. What was interesting about this scenario was that after chatting for a little while, the person who had asked for the fries offered to buy the other a drink, and was turned down…. How often are we willing to give, but not to receive? What if receiving were just as valuable and a gift in itself, not just to the one receiving it, but to the one gifting a well. (Ever give someone a compliment that wasn't received? ...How did that feel?) The other piece... Do something uncomfortable every day. Do something that you have decided you can’t or won’t do. Do the thing you keep saying you'd like to do but keep stopping yourself. Get out of your comfort zone. Side note: I recently watched a documentary called “Free Solo” about a guy who free soloed El Capitan in Yosemite (meaning climbed with out any ropes or gear to protect from a fall- 3200 ft. of technical granite climbing- and yes he succeeded.) It dawned on me that none of my “uncomfortable choices” had dire consequences. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? I’m certainly not going to fall to my death if something doesn’t go as planned.... Although sometimes I build things up in mind to the point that it feels that way! And perhaps it could open up some new possibilities that I have been completely refusing. Really, it can put things in perspective when you think about it like that! So one day I was in the yoga studio and I asked one of my students and past bars class participant if she knew anyone who might be interested in a bars class. I had hesitated, simply because I thought she wasn’t really interested in anything Access Consciousness anymore, and I don’t want to be pushy. I was blown away with the response that I got! No, she didn’t know of anyone right that moment, but she continued on to tell me that she runs bars for her hospice clients, fellow nurses, family and friends. The changes she had been getting were amazing… From diffusing panic attacks, to a sense of allowance, and peace with dying for hospice patients and their families, to running bars for her son. Her son had been very skeptical, but finally gave in and tried it when he was having a lot of stress and anxiety due to school. Things got so much better that, now he brings his friends home from college to her to get sessions too! This really made my day! First, it really brought to the forefront and reminded me THIS is why I do this work!… Because I know these things are possible, and more! And I had no idea that she was actually using what she had learned in class. I had no idea that she was contributing to so much change in people's worlds! WOW. A little secret about me: When it seems that all I have been working for isn't being received as well as I wish it was, I sometimes let it get to me. I start feeling defeated, and thinking maybe I should quit. What I say seems to fall on deaf ears a lot. I start to think that I’m failing. I tend to devalue myself and what I have to offer when others can't seem to see it. (Silly I know, but one of the rabbit holes I visit often.)- And I say this, not so you can go, "Oh, poor you!" but because I know I am not the only one who occasionally goes down the rabbit hole of self defeat when few can acknowledge a possibility you see. Because no one else can see it, or value that possibility doesn't mean it isn't valuable and something the world requires to have in it.... Keep on, keeping on the world needs you too! So to hear this story was such a HUGE contribution to me, and I hope to you too. It makes me want to keep going! I'm SO grateful... And to think I almost didn’t ask the question for fear of annoying someone! I would have missed out had I not been willing to be just a little uncomfortable. What projections, expectations, separations, judgments and rejections are you using to refuse the receiving you could be choosing?.... would you be willing to give that up now please? :-)
T'here is a tool in Access Consciousness, it's the Access Mantra: "All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory" (Glory= exhuberant expression and abundance of life)... when I first heard it, it bugged me. I thought it sounded very Polly Anna-ish. I had done affirmations and that never worked for me (it always brought up the opposite of what I was affirming.) And below the surface unconsciously (I discovered years later) I didn't actually believe life could be easy! But I used it anyway... I was miserable enough at the time to try anything to change that. (I figured I could just do it in secret. hehe... No one had to know!)....And it still worked! Things changed and got easier in uncanny ways. See here's the deal with this tool. First: it's not an affirmation. It's a mantra. An affirmation is affirming only good, only good, only good. It requires the judgment getting something right. It's deciding what will work for you, and trying to shut out everything else. It is deciding what you will receive and what you won't. Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. Consciousness and awareness, from my point of view, give one the ability to see everything for what it is, there is no shutting out of what you don't wish to know only to get smacked upside the head with it later... and this mantra includes everything. (ALL of life. That's the good, the bad and the uggly- comes to me with ease joy and glory.) Essentially what it's saying is everything, even the crap that comes your way can be handled with ease. It's recommended use... say it 10 times in the morning and 10 times in the evening and it begins to change the energy of how your life shows up. I have found this to be true. Even though I thought that using this tool probably wouldn't work because it would be too simple! ;-) I mean, nothing is really that easy right? Here's an example: I went out climbing recently. We drove an hour and 1/2 to get to the canyon. Hiked 25 minutes up hill to get to the area we were going to climb at. We sat down and began pulling out our climbing gear except, I as I discovered, I had none. I had left behind all climbing essentials! My climbing shoes, harness and chalk bag are all at home. Ordinarily this could have made for a long day of not much climbing and a bit of a bad mood, but what occurred was actual ease! We were a party of 3 so I was able to tag team a harness with my boyfriend. It fit well and felt secure enough to lead climb in. (I thought it might be too big!) And as luck would have it we were climbing with a friend who has very small feet! I wear a 6 and 1/2 women's street shoe. My feet are small even for women. Our friend, it turns out, has feet that are an anomaly for a man, and his shoes fit me perfectly! (If you don't know, climbers wear tight forming fitting shoes to climb in. If your shoes don't fit right you'll have a very hard time climbing. This sport is plenty challenging by itself never mind not being able to trust your feet to stick!) When I first discovered my error... I thought I was going to have a long day watching my friends climb, at best top roping in a sloppy harness and sneakers- It would have been challenging and probably frustrating, and not so very fulfilling for me. (And yes, of course, I would have made the best of it... and it still would have been subpar.) It turned out to be fun! I got to climb everything I wanted to climb and it was a beautiful fun filled day. And then it dawned on me I had been using this mantra regularly as of late. What could have been a drama-fest, and left me feeling rather bummed out was not a problem at all. How does it get any better than that? So what ever you do, don't try it.... life might be too easy and you don't want that! I love this picture! To me, it SO represents what the Access Consciousness facelift does.... What if you could strip off all the "not you" so your vibrance could shine through? What do I mean by "not you"? ...Have you ever been around someone who has a lot of judgments of themselves or their body? Are you aware that all the judgments they have of themselves are not truly who they are. It's just what they have decided about themselves, and perhaps you can see through it... you know it's a lie that they have bought into about themselves?... Does that lie dull their shine a little bit? Have you ever seen someone give up holding onto the judgments they have about themselves? ... Are they freer, happier, less restrained, less tense, does it make you want to be around them that much more? Is there a glow that you can perceive as their unique beauty begins to be revealed? Well, that's what I'm talking about...its all the lies, and judgments we buy into that aren't really true... that's the "not you" (that you try to make you) that I'm referring too. It's the stuff we think we are (too much this, not enough that, got this right, got that wrong) that we project onto our bodies and out into the world and it's what covers up the brilliance that's really there. Do you have any points of view about your body or aging? (Even subconscious points of view? Maybe you just picked up on them from other people around you...) for example: When you turn 50 you'd start to go gray, the wrinkles would start to show, you'll start to have aches and pains. You'll begin to fall apart... (oh wait! that started at 35 )... so if your 50 now your really screwed!.... it's all down hill from here! (Do you find yourself either resisting and reacting to what I've just said? Or are you aware you've aligned to, or believed those things to be true?.... either way... you have solidified that energy and you are now creating it! (Oops!) What if something else is truly possible in regards to you and your body? The tools of Access Consciousness are amazing for changing and letting go of these energies. The Access Energetic Face lift is one of the tools that we use to clear all of these limiting belief systems from our bodies... it's always amazing to see what changes when those energies are no longer running the show! I have personally found that the fewer lies I buy into about my body... the more ease, freedom, and lightness I have with it. The way I see it, the Access Energetic Face lift is more than a face lift. It's a whole body lift! Do you know what it's like to have no barriers? I was at the climbing gym today, in between climbs I was sitting on the floor stretching and this 6 year old boy who was there for a birthday party comes over to me and squats down so he can look into my face and with the most genuine concern says to me "What happened?!" ...I could see it looking like there was something really wrong as I was not sitting in any normal position, it could look like at was crumpled up on the ground and had gotten hurt. I laughed and told him I was just stretching. And he said "Oh Ok!" with big grin and then bounced off to be with his friends. It really struck me the level of vulnerability, kindness, and presence that this kid had. He didn't have any barriers, and there was really no judgment in his world about coming up to me, a total stranger, to be sure I was ok. He was so totally willing to be himself. It's a rare thing to see in kids and especially adults. We are taught to keep our distance. Most of us have barriers of one kind or another... by this I mean most of us are protecting ourselves in one way or another... mostly it's just from the judgments we expect to get from the world around us and are trying to avoid. Which means we already have those judgments of ourselves and are expecting the world to confirm what we were already judging about ourselves, and are defending against at the same time.) And in this we stop being ourselves. There is an energy that gets created in this, it's a retraction, and a wall and most people walk around with that all the time, not realizing that they are doing it, or knowing how to change it... AND not realizing how much of the rest of the world they are shutting out. This kid melted me. And it made me wonder what the world would be like if we would all let down our barriers and be that much presence as ourselves, that much kindness to each other without a second thought. It would be a different planet! RElationship: Distraction or Creation? Have you ever noticed that some people have really fun, nurturing, relationships and other people just seem to have lots of trauma, drama and problems with their relationships? While it is true that relationship can be done in a creative way that contributes to both people, it is also true that relationship can be done in a way that contracts, limits and does not allow them the freedom to be themselves.
The contracted, limited, version of this often occurs when people function from the "distractor implant of relationship". Distractor implants are a term coined by Access Consciousness® to describe a certain set of energies that tend to have us stopped dead in our tracks, feeling stuck and helpless. There are several of them... Fear, doubt, anger, guilt -to name a few. Distractor implants are designed to distract you from your power, potency and your awareness. They are designed to get you to be less than you actually are. They obsessively, compulsively hook your attention so you do not include any other possibilities and they make you think there are things you can not handle. So how does this work with relationship? Have you ever been in a relationship where you decided this person is "the one". When you come to a decision or conclusion you shut off your awareness. In this case, you will only see the things that you want to see, and not the things that don't work for you. Or you will see the things that don't work for you and try to make them meaningless, when they actually aren't meaningless at all and will come back to bite you in the butt in the long run. Once you have the relationship that you have decide is the right, good, perfect, and correct one... you begin to give up pieces parts of you in order to maintain it, as though the relationship is more valuable than you are. Have you ever found you gave up doing something you liked to do or be because the other person didn't like it... or you thought they didn't like it? Have you given up friends or creating the rest of your life in order to put all your attention on growing this perfect happily ever after relationship? That's what I'm talking about! Have you ever thought that if you found the right relationship for you, then you would be complete? Or if you found the person who was kind and nurturing to you then you could heal?... Does any of that empower you, or does it put the responsibility for you being happy in the other person's hands? It becomes a co-dependent thing when the other person needs you to need them so they can feel valuable (or for any other reason), and then there you are tied together by the things you think you will get from the other person. When the reality of it is that these are things only you can give you! You need them. They need you, and there you are stuck together -AND both a diminished version of yourselves....(Oops!) What if you didn't actually need anyone to complete you? What if you didn't require someone be kind and nurturing to you, so you could heal? If you saw the value that you are, would you need someone else to value you in order to know that you are valuable? NO! What if you didn't have to look for someone who is kinder to you than you are? ...When you are kind, caring, nurturing, happy, and fulfilled just being you, you will find that you will create those kinds of relationships that add to your life. More importantly you wouldn't settle for anything less! Judgment: The Kryptonite for your Magic Last month I found myself in a bit of a funk...I mean cranky! Nothing seemed to be working out. I felt like my magic was broken! (When I say my magic is broken,I mean that my ability to create with uncanny ease seemed to be totally diminished!) I chose to let myself be cranky for a good 24 hours and then it was time to pull my head out... and POP! I could see the light again. (Funny how not resisting your crankiness makes it so much easier to change!) There were several things that contribute to awareness on this for me and several people who had my back in ways I didn't expect. How did I get so lucky?! The tide has turned recently. The pull toward Consciousness seems to be stonger than the pull toward unconsciousness. As a result there was some push back from the people fighting for their limitation, more intensely than before. Judging even more intensely. What was happening for me was I was sensing this push back. I knew it wasn't me but I seemed to be enjoying being annoyed by it! I was using my handy dandy little "Who does it belong to?" tool. I knew that all the crankiness I was aware of wasn't mine, but I was resist and reacting to it... And guess that what? That's what got me stuck! My judgment about it. You see anything you resist and react to or align and agree too, is a judgment and will have you at the effect of it what ever it is that you are judging. (OOPS!) So the trick is to just be interesting point of view with all of it. Then you have total choice in how your life works. I had a friend ask me, Really?... Truth, is your magic broken?" ...well yes and no. (It's really a choice.) You see, when you perceive the intensity in other people's worlds, and you feel like your Mojo is broken... IT IS. Because you have bought into their crap, their limitations, their lies. When you get suckered into believing that what you sense is your point of view, instead of someone else's reality, When you judge yourself based on what anyone else is choosing, when you buy other people's limitations.... you become non effective with your magic. Magic is not of this reality. It will not work with judgment! Judgment is the Kryptonite of magic. ************************ So what are some tools to help you get out of that? First acknowledge how aware you are! Chances are that craps not you...return to sender with consciousness attached. ~Everywhere I resist & react or align and agree to this I destroy and uncreate it. Then run the clearing statement. You can find that at: www.theclearingstatement.com ) ~Interesting point of view that I have this point of view. Learn more about that tool here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-XYAkrGG54 ~What feelings am I using to create the _____ (the life, the money, the body, the business, the friendships, etc. you get the gist) I am choosing? (and then run the clearing statement. ) Enjoy! How many of us are not truly happy because we have tried to do what is supposed to work and what is supposed to bring happiness? Except, it didn't because it wasn't ever really your reality in the first place! Being you is about being the true essence of who you are and how you BE, regardless of circumstance, environment, relationship, family, cultural background, or anything else? It means you don't limit yourself. EVER. You don't stop yourself from creating as big as you can create. It's the willingness to look at the questions, "What is my reality? What would I like to choose?" This is not from the force of "I am who I am, and screw you if you don't like it!" It's not from the force of demanding that people see you, for you. It's from the ease, expansion, and the invitation of you and your world. You never separate from you. You never cut off pieces of you to fit into anyone else's reality. You just BE you. What if you could step into being the you, you'd truly like to be? What... if you choose to be it... would create more ease, more joy, and a WILD enthusiasm for being alive? Do you leap out of bed in the morning happy, excited for the day, and wondering what cool adventures you will have? If not, this might be a topic to play with. As you may or may not know, we have a class coming up that gives you the opportunity to explore this more. (Class details are below) This class addresses the you, you'd like to show the world but don't have the courage to, or simply feel like you can't. The places where you feel stuck and like you don't truly have choice. The essence of you that you haven't even acknowledged you are yet. The parts of you that you have given up to fit into what you see is reality for everyone else. Have you ever given you up in order to fit in? Honestly, I don't know anyone who hasn't done that at least once! In fact, we do this in so many ways that we aren't even aware of. (Have you ever said, I will never be like my parents and then you grew up and became them? ...OOOPS!) Have you ever not said something for fear of being judged...OOPS! again.) If you acknowledged the GREATNESS of you, and chose into it would that change the world? Would it contribute to those around you? Now, what if we all chose in... Would our reality expand and be greater? Would the whole planet begin to thrive? So by golly... We need you to be you! The world needs you! What do you know that no one else knows? What can you be that no one else can be? What if you truly being you is the gift, the potency, the capacity that can change the world? ...and if we all step into truly being us would the world be a different place? Check out the "Being You-Extended Adventure" with World Wide Facilitator Donnielle Carter! Let us know you are coming by registering ASAP Bodies can be such amazing tools for awareness if we let them be. This can require some practice, but really it's just a matter of starting. Ask your body questions about anything that relates to it. What would it like to wear? What would it like to eat? Who would it like to hang out with? Etc. You can even ask it to contribute to you having more money. (That's right! Money has everything to do with your body. If you didn't have a body, you wouldn't need money!) If you start asking your body what it knows it's amazing how life works out better! Last year I was on my way from the airport in Costa Rica to the venue where the Access Consciousness Facilitators Class was being held. It was a 2 hour drive at night down twisting, turning roads, and I began to feel car sick. Well, as anyone who has ever done any Access knows, we have tools for this. Much of what we perceive with our bodies is actually not ours, we just so happen to be psychic enough that we pick up on other people's thoughts, feelings, emotions and body sensations of others all the time. So I checked in with it. "Who does this belong to?", I asked in my head. It didn't change much, which is unusual for me. When I ask this question, typically it either lightens or gets heavier. That gives me a better sense of what to do. If it gets lighter, lifts off, or goes away it, wasn't mine and I just say or think in my head "Return to sender with consciousness attached"... and POOF gone! If it gets heavier, or more intense then it is something that I created or bought into which I can then clear with the clearing statement. (Check out: www.theclearingstatement.com) So there I was, using this tool and others and still feeling sick. Not only that, but now I'm starting to get pissed because I still don't have an awareness on what's going on. Nothing's working! So finally I asked, "OK body, What the F@#$ is going on here?!" The nausea instantly increased! "OH CRAP!" I thought I was going to hurl right there! I ask our shuttle driver to stop. He doesn't speak much English, I don't speak much Spanish, and he didn't really hear me. He had tuned us gringos out. So I ask again. Finally he gets it, and we come to a screeching halt. My travel companions and I look at each other. What the heck was that?! It was rather a rough stop. My nausea subsides. Then he then tells us that the brakes had failed and that he had to pull the emergency brake to stop. He said it was a good thing that we had stopped there, because around the corner was a steep hill and we might not have been able to stop! WOW! Good Body! (Pats self on the shoulder) and here I was getting irritable because I wasn't getting anything to change! And then I remembered, a couple weeks earlier I had asked my body to assist me in being more aware. (Thank goodness!) Here's the thing, bodies don't have a point of view about past, present, or future. They are willing to perceive it all, even the stuff we don't want to know about...like "stop the van or you will end up at the bottom of a ravine." You see, I didn't want to know that, and I also didn't wanted to be the weird one to yell "stop the bus!" for no apparent reason. I wasn't asking the questions that would give me the awareness that was needed, so my body manipulated me into doing what was required. She's pretty sneaky like that, and a good thing too! 5/31/2016 What potency are you, and are you hiding from, that if you would be it, would change everything?Read NowIt's starting to hit me... Holy sh$%! I'm heading to CA tomorrow for the Symphony of Possibilities Class w/ Dr Dain Heer. How did I get so lucky? This is one of my favorite Access Consciousness energetic modalities. I have been so looking forward to doing this class in person (vs. live streamed) So what does being a dragon have to do with this? Well, It has to do with stepping into your potency and not pretending you are sad, pathetic, an weak. It was something I heard Dain say once that really struck me: He said that, "On old world maps, on the border of unexplored territory it said "Beyond this lies the dragon" and then he said, "Well, what if you are the magical, mythical, beast that you think you should be afraid of and that you are hiding from?" What if you were willing to be something that is beyond the confines of this reality, to go into this unexplored territory and become something totally inconceivable? What would be different if you were willing to be any energy that's required to create change... no matter how judgeable? Would anyone or anything be able to stop you? What if you were willing to be as weird as you truly be? What potency are you, and are you and are you hiding from, that if you would be it would change everything? Look out world I may return home a dragon! Ask and you shall receive... I got my tropical vacation :-) Christmas/ Birthday present and something I've been asking for, for a long time. I just recently returned from a week in Belize! I was on the beautiful island of Ambergris Caye. How did I get so lucky? For starters just getting what you asked for already begins to expand one's reality. Acknowledging your creations give you a greater capacity for more. Here's a couple of things that I got from this trip and few new concepts I'm going to apply to every day life. Be curious, create every day as an adventure, and get out of your routine: Removing myself from my everyday routines, habits and surroundings was SO good for the soul! It starts to de-solidify all the patterns that I put in place that keep me from truly thriving. While on my trip, I woke up every day in the state of question... "What fun adventure can we have today? What new experience can we have? Where can we go? What can we do that would be fun?" I realized that I rarely wake up that way at home. More likely, I wake up in the state of conclusions of what I need to get done, and what it's going to look like. Compare those two. Which option feels lighter to you? Which one feels more joyful and more fun? I don't know about you but waking up happy is where I want to be every day of my life! And happiness is just a choice. If I wake up every day in question... who am I today and what grand and glorious adventures can I have? That creates such an expansion and openness, a sense of gratitude, and sense of adventure, and I don't need to be on vacation to have it. So that's what I'm choosing today. I hope this opens some doors for you to create your own adventures, expansion, joyfulness and thrival... and invites you to some new possibilities. What else is possible? Below is a slide show of pictures I took on this trip. Enjoy! Guess what I created?! ....3 ish years ago, I saw a video of this guy doing these really cool tricks on a thing called a Cyr wheel. The moment I saw it, my body was doing "happy puppy" on the inside Have you ever asked your body what it would like to do? This was one of the first times I discovered when my body really wanted to do something, it gave me that energy. (It's exactly what you think it is...think of a puppy that is so happy to see you it can't stop wagging it's tail and wiggling) Anyway so I did a little research and discovered that no one nearby taught lessons. And if I wanted to buy a wheel it was going to be no less than $800 and had to be shipped from Europe. So... I started asking a few questions. What would it take to get to learn this? What would it take for it to be easier than I could imagine? Well last summer I discovered that there was someone locally in Salt Lake City teaching lessons! I quickly signed up got my first lesson, and discovered that lessons with out the ability to practice in between would be kinda pointless! Well then, what's gonna take to have my own wheel and with ease come to find out that someone locally makes wheels now ? Come to find out, they are now made locally too and for less than I saw on line! I got my wheel 2 days ago and I found a bunch of tutorial videos on Youtube and away we roll! Here's what day one of goofing around with the "skate start" looks like. It's fun to be a beginner again! #questionasthesourceofcreation #happypuppyenergy #askyourbodyawareness #spinning! #justformejustforfun #playtime! How many of us were taught that we have to protect ourselves from negative energy? When I learned my first energetic modalities that's what I was taught too. Surround yourself with white light, carry cleansing/clearing chrystals, avoid negative situations, put up energetic barriers, do cord cuttings, meditate for hours etc. Except did it ever REALLY work? ...For me minimally at best. What I have to offer here may fly in the face of everything you've ever learned about energy. You may love it and you may hate it... Choose it if it works for you. And whatever you do, don't take my word for it... Actually try it for yourself! For me these tools and concepts have worked brilliantly...although admittedly they are different. Whether you have deemed yourself a healer or not, doesn't matter. Anyone can use them. Anywhere. Anytime. I rarely find myself ensnared by energies of other people and if I do, I have these tools to very quickly get free of it. I get to have an ease with me, an ease with my clients, and ease with everyone I come into contact with. Wanna try it? Even if it makes your life way too easy and fun?! OK Here we go! Concept #1 There is no positive and negative energy. Energy is just energy. The concept of positive and negative energy comes from the judgments placed on the energy itself... When you decide an energy is "bad" or "good", "positive" or "negative" that is a judgment. Judgment will always lock you and your body up. The negative side of judgment is "resistance and reaction" the positive side is "alignment and agreement"...either way you are stuck in a polarity and can't receive anything beyond these judgments. When you are in resistance to something, it's an aspect of alignment and agreement. It's where you've been there, done that, (maybe this lifetime or maybe in another) and now you've decided it's wrong. Still you are holding the energy on it and notice how contracted it makes you feel? Here's the interesting thing. Where ever you "resist and react" or "align and agree" with someone you also help hold the other person in their judgment. When you are in allowance it opens up a space and invitation to choose something else. Concept #2 Being in Allowance: Allowance is were everything is just an "interesting point of view". It's were you come out of judgment of you or anyone else. It's where you have no energetic charge and no reaction. You are neutral. No energy can stick/lock you or your body up when you are in allowance of it. You are totally aware of it, and it can just move through or past you. Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. Allowance is a very peaceful place. You do not have to fix or change anything. You do not have to become someone you're not, in order to make someone else feel more comfortable or to fit in. You can allow the other person to be and choose whatever they want. It doesn't mean you become a doormat, of course. If someone were being unkind to you. You can tell them to go away, and still be in allowance of their choice. For example: "If you are going to be nasty that's fine, but you'll have to go do it somewhere else." Concept#3 No Significance: Energy is very malleable. It changes at your request. You make it solid, real, and sticky by making it significant.... It's how you hold an energy in place. When you see that someone is depressed and instead of thinking "Hmm, they're choosing sadness. What an interesting choice." Instead you make it significant. "Oh poor thing! That's terrible!" Add more judgement to that. "They should be happy" and start trying to make it so... Add some story and computation to that "They are this way because (blah, blah, blah) ...Oy! Do you see how this could create even more stickiness? ........It's just a choice. When you realize it's just a choice and they can change it, if they choose to, when they choose to, you now empower them. The choice is their creation. They are not a victim of it... and neither are you! You can be an invitation to a different possibility just by not making anything significant. Be with the energy of that, and notice how it makes your body feel. A little lighter perhaps? Concept #4 Who does this belong to?: This is one of my favorite "go to" tools. It's one of the quickest, easiest ways to shift an energy. 98% of your thoughts, feelings, emotions and body sensations do not belong to you. You are a psychic sponge. The problem is, if you don't acknowledge that you can be aware of everything around you, then you tend to think it is you and take it all on and lock it into your body. (Cute, not bright.) So here's how it works: Ask "Who does this belong to?" (This will be pointless if you decide you know the answer, before you even ask. You must truly ask the question) ...You are not looking for answer just an awareness of energy. Does it get lighter? If it does, it's not yours and you simply "return to sender with consciousness attached." If it get's heavier, well then it's yours or something you bought into. But no worries, you don't have to be stuck with it either. There's this thing called the Access Consciousness clearing statement you can use to shift anything you've stuck yourself with. (Go to the "Free Stuff" section on my website www.infinite-alchemy.com or www.theclearingstatement.com to watch the video on that. ) Concept #5 Drop Your Barriers: I know. It's the exact opposite of what is instinctual. Here's the thing, when you put up the castle walls around you, no one can get in, but you can't get out either. It's how we create separation and how we shut off awareness. When you are willing to let the barriers drop and be vulnerable it can be uncomfortable at first. The uncomfortableness is where you are not yet in allowance of everything you are now aware of. It takes some practice. I do a lot of "who does this belong to?" and a lot of clearing stuff with clearing statement. Again when you are in total allowance you have no reaction and it doesn't make you or your body contract. We tend to unconsciously react to other peoples' barriers. We sense them, and automatically ours come up too. I teach yoga, and I have made this a practice. Every time I walk into a yoga room to teach a class, I push down my barriers and expand my energy out. If it's uncomfortable, I'll ask how far out do I have to go to not be at the effect of this energy? ...And instantly I'm there. This allows for me to be aware of what's going on for people but not get knocked around by their points of view. What seems to happen then, is everyone begins to drop their barriers too. They come out of the seriousness, fear, significance and judgement and just begin to enjoy their practice instead of judging it! Being a different energy creates a space and invitation to a different possibility. Concept #6 Always be in question: We are not taught to be in question. We are taught to have answers and get things "right". Questions have always opened the doors to more possibility. Conclusion, decision, judgement and computation create limitations and hold what you have decided is true in place.... What if there was much more available to you than you ever imagined? Would you be willing to invite it in? Here's some questions to play with: -What is this energy? What can I do with it? Can I change it? How do I change it? -How does it get any better than this? (A very versatile question...You can ask this with something you've decided you is great and something you've decided is not so great. It will always open up new doors!) -What else is possible here that I haven't acknowledged? -What's right about this that I'm not getting? -What do I love about creating this exactly as it is? -What other question can I ask that would open up more awareness and more possibility? Have fun friends! ( :-) it's just a choice!) With gratitude, Julie Merwin Would you like to learn more about these tools? Come to a class or get a private session with me. Look me up on the Access Consciousness website at: www.accessconsciousness.com Or go to my personal website: www.infinite-alchemy.com What is Access Consciousness?
Life-changing techniques, tools and processes that are designed to empower you to create the life you desire. They're very practical, dynamic, and pragmatic tools that facilitate you in being more conscious in every day life, and allow you to eliminate all the barriers you have put up to receiving. Receiving more is literally like taking off your blindfold. You may be able to receive more of the yummy, amazing, beautiful things in the world and the people around you, and in yourself. You may receive more awareness about things that you were trying really hard not to see as well... and really how well does that work to walk around blind to these things? At least if you have your eyes open, you may not like what you see, but you won't have to run head long into them wondering what the hell just happened, right? For anything to not be working in your life... when it's not easy, light, and/or fun... you have to be choosing some form of unconsciousness. That's what these tools give you is the capacity to be more aware and to unblock any limitations you have that don't allow you to choose and create the life you'd truly enjoy. What is Access Bars? The bars body process is one of the basics.... Your bars are energy bars that run through and around your head. They hold the electromagnetic component of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, decisions, judgements, conclusions, etc. that you have ever had for lifetimes. When you get your bars "run" someone holds points on your head that connect to the bars and allow for this energy to dissipate. **The easiest way to explain it to someone is that it's like running disc clean up on your computer except that you run it on you, your body and your life. It clears out the old programming and allows for you to function more effectively and efficiently. Life just gets a lot easier and more enjoyable. In a bars class you learn: -how to run this process, you will gift and receive bars twice each. -You will receive a manual. -You learn a lot of the other simple Access tools that you can use anywhere, anytime. What can you get out of having this process run for you? For me personally... I was able to get past some really heavy depression. I'm talking the kind of depression where you can barely get yourself off the couch to feed yourself! I got over a lot of the judgment I had on myself and my body. Many of the fears and limiting beliefs that I had been functioning from are completely gone... POOF! My money situation has changed and continues to. I have been able to expand my capacities as a yoga teacher and practitioner, and I have SO much more allowance and receiving for everything and everyone around me. Life is so much easier and more fun and continues to expand ...just for starters. What did other people get out of it? -sleep better -not be at the effect of the energies, people, and situations around you -Changed chronic body issues quickly and easily -Changed their money situation -Changed their relationship situation -Better sex... Yep you heard me right. -eliminated PTSD, OSCD, ADD, ADHD and more... Got a couple minutes? Check out Rick Williams and Dr. Dain Heer talking about Access on Great Day Houston: http://www.khou.com/great-day/gdh_11-13-13_seg2-231758251.html 6/25/2013 Feel like you're at the effect of the energy around you?....How to get out from underneath the Blech!Read NowAre you an infinite being? Try this... close your eyes and go out and find the outside edges of you.... Not your body. You the being. Can you find an edge or is it more like everywhere you look there you are?
Funny thing is, although we are infinite beings, we mostly don't function like we are. We try to make ourselves finite...and we contract our energy down to make ourselves more solid, real and more limited. So here's a tool that I've made an every day practice. (I actually have an alarm set on my phone that reminds me every morning at 10am to use this!) It's simply this: I push down my barriers (energetic walls and auto-pilot protective mechanisms) and expand my energy out as big as the universe and beyond. It feels like getting out of pair of jeans that's too tight. AHHHH... If there's an energy that I know isn't mine, yet I seem to be effected by it anyway... I simply ask "How far out do I have to go, to not be at the effect of this energy?" and then expand out. You see when you expand yourself out, you literally become more space, so all these energies can pass through you. That way you can be aware of them, and not beaten up by them. It's created an ease for me and my body that is just delicious. You might ask, "But how will I protect myself if I let my barriers down?" Well, would you rather have protection or awareness? If you are choosing to be aware would you ever be caught off guard? Would you know where to be, when to be, and how to be, that would create an ease for you? See, Here's the thing... if you choose to keep your barriers up, it's a little like creating a brick wall around you. Nobody can get in, but the trade off is, that you can't see or get out either. You are literally cutting off your awareness and receiving. In case you hadn't noticed, brick walls are not semi permeable membranes... so while you may be able to keep the harmful stuff out, you also keep out all the generative, delightful, wonderful things you might like to have in your life. What if you could open up to total receiving, total awareness and total choice? And really, does your brick wall actually keep out the harmful stuff, or are you just turning a blind eye to things you'd rather not see or know. Wouldn't it be better to know that stuff was there, so you don't crash head long into it? If you were willing to be and receive more awareness, could you choose to be out of town on a disaster day? ....And If you were willing to be and receive more awareness wouldn't you also be able to have a lot more of all the wonderful goodies life has to offer? Mmmm, more goodies for me please! A way to change what you seem to be stuck in:
by Julie MerwinFounder and Creator of Infinite Alchemy, Personal Empowerment Coach, Change Agent, Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, and Body Process Facilitator Archives
November 2018